OK, here's the first route. We recommend that you walk, with the exception of getting to Nesoddtangen of course.
This first route is in honour to some of the places EE have played live in Oslo. (Click on images to enlarge.)
Café Mir, Toftes gate 69. Both Chacka Chacka and Mr. Europ have been invited to play at Mir several times. This is what Mir say about themselves:
Café Mir og scenen sies å være hjertet på Grünerløkka Lufthavn. [...] På Mir kan du scrolle løs på trådløst nett, lese tegneserier eller spille sjakk, backgammond og andre spill..
Hausmania, Hausmannsgate 34. This is a self-governed cultural house run by a group of underground artists based on collectivist ideology. EE know many people who live there, and have played live at the next-door venue Café Hærverk.
Funhouse, St. Olavs gate 23. I don't know much about this venue, but my impression is that 2009-2010 was their peak period (judging from how many times the press wrote about the place). 2009 was also the year EE played there.
Spasibar, St. Olavs Gate 32. Legendary club. Europ Europ played there in 2008 as part of the By;alarm festival. Truls from Truls and the Trees said this to Aftenposten about playing at the festival: "Det blir nok ganske spesielt, tror Heggero, som selv anbefaler Mindy Misty Vs. Europ Europ og Årabrot på Spasibar lørdag." [Foreigners, please feel free to use Google Translate.]
Galleri Hellviktangen, Hellvikalleen 60. EE was there, playing at the Oddnose festival. Great poster!
VIKTIG! Vi lever i coronakarantene-tider, og vi oppfordrer på det sterkeste til å følge rådene som kommer fra norske helsemyndigheter. Vi vil vente med å legge ut turer her inntil videre.
Vi kommer tilbake med oppdateringer på denne siden.